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Frosted Evergreen Bouquet

Frosted Evergreen Bouquet
ID# T24X610
Product Description - Frosted Evergreen Bouquet

This elegant winter arrangement brings a touch of sophistication to any holiday setting. Featuring pristine white roses (deluxe & premium sizes) and carnations, accented by natural pinecones, vibrant red berries, and lush seasonal greenery, this bouquet evokes the beauty of a snowy winter day. Presented in a striking red glass lantern container, it's a stunning gift or festive centerpiece that adds warmth and charm to any home during the holiday season.Includes:• White Roses (Premium & Deluxe)• White Carnations• White Button Spray Mums• Seasonal Floral Greenery • White Tipped Pinecone Picks• Red Berry Picks • Red Glass Lantern Container• Complimentary Card Message
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